Ywing Ming Jyang

Понедельник, 17 Августа 2009 г. 09:18
Цитата сообщения Allois
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Ywing Ming Jyang is a graduate of the National College of Arts & Crafts in Taiwan. At the same time she was a private student of Master Chen Tan Chen who had studied with the same master as the renowned painter Ch'i Pai-Shih. She later exhibited with Master Chen Tan Chen.
Her works have been shown in juried exhibitions and private galleries in the United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Japan. She is equally skilled in designing buildings, furniture, fabrics, brush painting and teaching. Her works are reproduced and sold by her Fine Arts publishing house throughout the world.
She views nature and then transforms it into a symbolic language storing it in the garden of her mind. When the time is right she uproots the information in her mind's garden and plants it on silk or paper transformed by the dynamic energy of ch'i-shih.
She records a realism raised to the level of idealism. A profoundly significant fragment of eternity. She records with generalized and richly symbolic forms, not just a single confrontation with nature, but an accumulation of experiance touched off by one magic moment. Her classical purity, disipline, sensitive touch and clear-cut composition has caught the spirit of chinese art without being it's slave.
The artist continues a tradition from accross the centuries within the framework of established rules. She administers her creativity not by starting anew on her own and throwing away all history, but by continuing the sucsession of creative acts. She achieves excellence within the same system where the chinese masters were judged, and with her own unique vision, carries the tradition forward into the 21st century.

Рубрики:  Живопись

ПростоВиктория   Понедельник, 17 Августа 2009 г. 09:22 (ссылка)
Это просто чудо!!!
affinity4you   Понедельник, 17 Августа 2009 г. 09:24 (ссылка)
ПростоВиктория, дааа, ропись по ткани — это всегда в итоге рождает чудо :))
А у вас кошечка на аватарке сиамская — тоже чудо, кстати :))
decorator1   Понедельник, 17 Августа 2009 г. 09:55 (ссылка)
лепота:))) Возьму себе для удовольствия!!!
наталия_алейник   Понедельник, 17 Августа 2009 г. 12:29 (ссылка)
Замечательные картины
sergio69yes   Понедельник, 17 Августа 2009 г. 21:51 (ссылка)
Необычно, ярко, красочно. Однозначно позитив. Забрал себе.
BAKKARA17   Понедельник, 17 Августа 2009 г. 23:33 (ссылка)

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millenia7   Среда, 26 Августа 2009 г. 14:26 (ссылка)